Introducción a las Máquinas de Láminas para Techos TR4 y TR5: La Solución Ideal para el Mercado Peruano

Las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 son perfiles de techos metálicos populares utilizados en diversos proyectos de construcción. Se fabrican mediante máquinas perfiladoras que dan forma a las bobinas de metal en los perfiles deseados. Estas láminas para techos son conocidas por su durabilidad, resistencia a la intemperie y rentabilidad, lo que las hace adecuadas para diversas aplicaciones.

El perfil TR4 presenta una forma trapezoidal con nervaduras espaciadas uniformemente, mientras que el perfil TR5 tiene una forma trapezoidal similar con un espaciado y dimensiones de nervaduras ligeramente diferentes. Ambos perfiles ofrecen una excelente resistencia y rigidez, proporcionando una sólida solución para techos. Se pueden fabricar con diversos materiales, como acero, aluminio o acero galvanizado, y se pueden recubrir con varios acabados para mejorar su resistencia a la intemperie y su atractivo estético.

En el mercado peruano, las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 se utilizan ampliamente en proyectos de construcción residencial, comercial e industrial debido a su versátil diseño y características de rendimiento. Se han convertido en una opción popular para constructores y contratistas que buscan una solución de techado confiable y eficiente.

La importancia de las láminas para techos en la construcción La importancia de las láminas para techos en la construcción no puede subestimarse, ya que cumplen varias funciones críticas en el diseño y rendimiento general de un edificio. Algunos aspectos clave que destacan la importancia de las láminas para techos en la construcción incluyen:

Protección: Las láminas para techos brindan la primera línea de defensa contra los elementos, como la lluvia, la nieve, el viento y la luz solar. Protegen el interior del edificio y sus componentes estructurales del daño causado por la humedad, las fluctuaciones de temperatura y otros factores ambientales.

Integridad estructural: Las láminas para techos contribuyen a la integridad estructural general de un edificio. Transfieren la carga del techo a las paredes y cimientos de soporte, asegurando que la estructura permanezca estable y segura.

Aislamiento: Las láminas para techos, especialmente aquellas con propiedades de aislamiento o diseñadas para la eficiencia energética, ayudan a mantener un ambiente interior cómodo al reducir la transferencia de calor entre el interior y el exterior del edificio. Esto resulta en un menor consumo de energía para calefacción y refrigeración, lo que lleva a facturas de servicios públicos más bajas y una menor huella de carbono.

Estética: Las láminas para techos contribuyen al atractivo visual de un edificio, ofreciendo diversos estilos, colores y acabados que pueden complementar el diseño arquitectónico. Un material de techo bien elegido puede mejorar la apariencia general de la estructura y aumentar su atractivo estético.

Durabilidad y bajo mantenimiento: Las láminas para techos de alta calidad están diseñadas para durar mucho tiempo y requieren un mantenimiento mínimo. Resisten daños por factños relacionados con el clima, plagas y corrosión, lo que garantiza que el techo siga siendo funcional y visualmente atractivo durante un período prolongado.

Rentabilidad: Las láminas para techos, especialmente las de metal, suelen ser más rentables que otros materiales para techos. Son livianas, fáciles de instalar y tienen costos de mantenimiento a largo plazo más bajos, lo que las convierte en una opción atractiva para constructores y propietarios de viviendas.

En resumen, las láminas para techos desempeñan un papel vital en los proyectos de construcción, proporcionando protección esencial, soporte estructural, aislamiento y valor estético. Contribuyen a la durabilidad, eficiencia y atractivo visual general de un edificio, lo que las convierte en un componente indispensable de la construcción moderna.

Las ventajas de las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 para el mercado peruano

Las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 ofrecen varias ventajas que las hacen adecuadas para el mercado peruano, caracterizado por climas diversos y una industria de la construcción en crecimiento. Algunas de estas ventajas incluyen:

Durabilidad y resistencia: Las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 son conocidas por su excelente resistencia y durabilidad. Pueden soportar condiciones climáticas adversas, como fuertes lluvias, vientos intensos y luz solar intensa, lo que las hace adecuadas para diversas regiones de Perú.

Resistencia a la intemperie: Estas láminas para techos están fabricadas con materiales como acero, aluminio o acero galvanizado, que son altamente resistentes a la corrosión y otros daños relacionados con el clima. Con recubrimientos y acabados adecuados, las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 pueden ofrecer una mayor protección contra los elementos, garantizando una solución duradera y de bajo mantenimiento.

Versatilidad: Las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 son versátiles y se pueden utilizar en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones, desde edificios residenciales y comerciales hasta estructuras industriales e instalaciones agrícolas. Su adaptabilidad las convierte en una opción atractiva para diversos proyectos de construcción en el mercado peruano.

Flexibilidad de diseño: Estas láminas para techos están disponibles en diferentes materiales, colores y acabados, lo que permite a constructores y arquitectos crear techos visualmente atractivos que complementen el diseño general del edificio. Esta flexibilidad de diseño hace que las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 sean adecuadas tanto para estilos arquitectónicos tradicionales como modernos en Perú.

Rentabilidad: Las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 ofrecen una solución rentable, ya que son relativamente económicas de fabricar e instalar en comparación con otros materiales para techos. Su durabilidad y bajos requisitos de mantenimiento contribuyen a su rentabilidad a largo plazo.

Sostenibilidad: Las láminas para techos metálicas, como los perfiles TR4 y TR5, son respetuosas con el medio ambiente, ya que se pueden fabricar con materiales reciclados y son completamente reciclables al final de su vida útil. Además, sus propiedades energéticamente eficientes pueden contribuir a reducir el consumo de energía para calefacción y refrigeración en los edificios, lo que las convierte en una opción sostenible para el mercado peruano.

En general, las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 ofrecen varias ventajas que las hacen adecuadas para el mercado peruano, incluida su durabilidad, resistencia a la intemperie, versatilidad, flexibilidad de diseño, rentabilidad y sostenibilidad. Estas características las convierten en una opción atractiva para diversos proyectos de construcción en el país.

En conclusión, las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 se han vuelto opciones populares en el mercado peruano debido a sus numerosos beneficios, como la durabilidad, resistencia a la intemperie, versatilidad, flexibilidad de diseño, rentabilidad y sostenibilidad. Estos perfiles de techos atienden las diversas necesidades de varios proyectos de construcción, incluidas las aplicaciones residenciales, comerciales e industriales. La creciente industria de la construcción en Perú y la demanda de soluciones de techado confiables, eficientes y estéticamente atractivas hacen que las láminas para techos TR4 y TR5 sean una parte indispensable del paisaje de construcción del país. Como resultado, comprender las características y ventajas de estas láminas para techos es crucial para constructores, contratistas y propietarios de propiedades que buscan soluciones de techado de alta calidad y duraderas.

What Are The Difference Between Open Floor Deck And Closed Floor Deck

Floor deck systems are commonly used in the construction industry to create floors for buildings. They serve as a base for concrete slab construction, providing structural support and a platform for workers to carry out their tasks. Among the different types of floor deck systems available, closed and open floor decks are two of the most popular choices. In this article, we will take a closer look at these two systems, and explore their differences.

Open Floor Deck System

An open floor deck system is also known as a “profiled” deck. It is designed with a ribbed profile on the surface, which creates a series of channels between the ribs. These channels provide a path for concrete to flow and fill up the spaces between the ribs during the concrete pour. The channels also help to reduce the weight of the deck, making it a popular choice for multi-story buildings.

Open floor deck systems are relatively easy to install and require less structural steel than closed floor decks. They are also suitable for use in buildings with low load requirements. However, open floor decks have some drawbacks. They are less fire-resistant than closed floor decks and have a higher risk of corrosion due to the exposed steel.

Closed Floor Deck System

A closed floor deck system, on the other hand, is designed with a flat surface on the top and bottom. It does not have any channels or openings, and the concrete is poured directly onto the surface of the deck. This makes it more fire-resistant than open floor decks and reduces the risk of corrosion since the steel is not exposed.

Closed floor decks are generally more expensive to install than open floor decks, as they require more structural steel. However, they are more suitable for buildings with high load requirements, as they offer better structural support. Closed floor decks are also easier to maintain, as they require less upkeep and have a longer lifespan.

Key Differences between Closed and Open Floor Deck Systems

1.Structural Support: Closed floor deck systems offer better structural support than open floor deck systems. They are designed to bear heavier loads and are more suitable for use in multi-story buildings.


2.Fire Resistance: Closed floor deck systems are more fire-resistant than open floor deck systems. This is because the flat surface of the closed deck does not provide channels for fire to spread, whereas the channels in open floor decks can provide a path for fire to spread.


3.Corrosion Resistance: Closed floor deck systems are less prone to corrosion than open floor deck systems. This is because the steel in closed decks is not exposed to the elements, whereas the steel in open decks is exposed, making it more vulnerable to corrosion.


4.Cost: Closed floor deck systems are generally more expensive to install than open floor deck systems, as they require more structural steel. However, closed floor decks offer better structural support and have a longer lifespan, which can offset the initial cost.



Choosing the right floor deck system is an important decision that can have a significant impact on the safety, durability, and cost-effectiveness of a building. Closed and open floor deck systems are two of the most popular choices available, and each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. By understanding the differences between these two systems, builders can make an informed decision that meets the specific needs of their project.

floor deck sheets

Revolutionizing Building Construction: The Advantages of Closed Floor Decking with Steel Beams

Steel floor decking is a type of construction material widely used in modern construction projects. It provides a lightweight and durable solution for creating floors and roofs, and it has many advantages over traditional concrete or timber structures. One type of steel floor decking is called “closed floor decking,” which has a flat bottom and no openings, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.


Closed floor decking is commonly used in commercial and industrial buildings, such as warehouses, factories, and retail stores. It is also used in residential buildings, such as apartment complexes and condominiums. The closed design of the decking makes it easy to install and connect to steel beams, and it provides a smooth and even surface for the concrete to be poured on top.

examples of closed floor deck profile:

When the closed floor deck is laid out, it only needs to be arranged in order according to the span, and when it is connected with the steel beam, it has enough contact area due to the flat bottom of the plate. Therefore, the installation process is fast and straightforward, which can help reduce construction time and labor costs.

Closed floor decking also has other advantages over traditional concrete or timber structures. For example, it is lightweight, which makes it easier to transport and install. It is also durable and can withstand a wide range of environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures, moisture, and fire.

In addition, closed floor decking can be customized to meet specific design requirements. For example, it can be made in various sizes, thicknesses, and profiles to accommodate different building designs and applications. This flexibility makes it an ideal choice for architects and builders who want to create unique and innovative structures.


Another advantage of closed floor decking is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to other construction materials, such as concrete or timber, it is relatively inexpensive, which can help reduce overall construction costs. Additionally, it can be used to replace traditional reinforcement steel bars, which can further reduce material and labor costs.


To maximize the benefits of closed floor decking, it is important to choose the right type of decking for the project. There are different grades and thicknesses of steel decking available, each with its unique characteristics and properties. Factors to consider when selecting the right type of decking include the span of the steel beams, the load capacity of the decking, and the environmental conditions of the site.


When installing closed floor decking, it is also essential to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and industry standards. For example, the decking should be properly supported and braced during installation to ensure it can withstand the weight of the concrete and any other loads. It is also important to seal the ends of the decking to prevent concrete from leaking through and compromising the structural integrity of the decking.


In terms of fire resistance, closed floor decking has a high fire rating, which means it can withstand high temperatures for an extended period without losing its structural integrity. This makes it a safer choice than other materials that may be more susceptible to fire damage. However, it is still important to follow fire safety regulations and install appropriate fire protection measures, such as sprinkler systems and fire-retardant coatings, to ensure the safety of the building and its occupants.


In conclusion, closed floor decking is an excellent choice for modern construction projects. Its lightweight, durable, and customizable properties make it a versatile and cost-effective solution for creating floors and roofs in a wide range of building applications. By following the manufacturer’s guidelines and industry standards, and by implementing appropriate fire protection measures, closed floor decking can provide a safe, efficient, and reliable construction solution for any project.

metal roof machine

What You Need to Know Before Buying a Roofing Sheet Machine from China

Are you in the market for a roofing sheet machine? If so, there are several things you should consider before making a purchase. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right machine for your needs. In this ultimate guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make an informed decision when buying a roofing sheet machine from China.


1.Types of Roofing Sheet Machines


The first thing to consider is the type of roofing sheet machine you need. There are several types available, including corrugated roofing sheet machines, glazed tile roofing sheet machines, standing seam roofing sheet machines, and more. You should determine which type of machine will meet your production needs.


2.Production Capacity


Next, you need to know the maximum output of the machine to ensure that it can meet your production requirements. Make sure you choose a machine that can produce enough roofing sheets to meet your demand. Normally machine working speed is 0-15mpm. And if you need high speed machine, like 20mpm, 30mpm, it can be customized too, but the faster, the more expensive the machine will be.


3.Materials Compatibility


You should also consider the materials the roofing sheet machine can work with. Make sure the machine is compatible with the materials you plan to use for your roofing sheets, such as metal, aluminum, or steel. Most commonly used material is GI and PPGI , with thickness of 0.3-0.8mm. The smaller the thickness range, the better roll forming effect.


4.Power Consumption


It’s essential to understand the power requirements of the machine to ensure that it can be operated efficiently and cost-effectively. Make sure you choose a machine with a power consumption that fits your facility’s capabilities.


5.Dimensions and Weight


Knowing the size and weight of the machine is also important. Make sure the machine can be transported and installed in your production facility.


6.Lead Time


Make sure you have a clear understanding of the production and delivery timeline to plan for the installation and operation of the machine.





When it comes to buying a roofing sheet machine from China, quality should be a top priority. Look for manufacturers with a good reputation and a history of producing high-quality machines. Reading reviews from previous customers can also give you an idea of the quality of the machines they produce. Investing in a high-quality machine may cost more upfront, but it can save you money in the long run by reducing maintenance and repair costs.




Price is an important factor to consider when buying a roofing sheet machine from China. However, it’s essential to balance price with quality. Comparing prices from different manufacturers can help you get the best deal, but don’t sacrifice quality for a lower price. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best quality.




Shipping is another important consideration when buying a roofing sheet machine from China. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the shipping options available to you, including the associated costs and delivery times. For the machines, it is usually shipped by sea, and with full containers. One set of normal speed trapezoidal tile machine or a corrugated tile roofing sheet machine can be put in one 20GP container, one double layer roofing sheet machine or two single layers roofing sheet machines can be put in one 40GP containers. 40GP and 40HQ container’s fee are usually same, but 40HQ container has bigger space, so 40HQ container is more used than 40GP containers when they are needed.




there are several payment terms available in international trade. Here are some common ones:

Advance Payment: This is when the buyer pays the full amount upfront before the goods are shipped.

Letter of Credit (L/C): This is a document issued by the buyer’s bank that guarantees payment to the seller once the goods are delivered.

Documentary Collection: This is when the buyer’s bank acts as an intermediary to facilitate payment. The seller ships the goods and sends the shipping documents to the buyer’s bank, which then forwards them to the buyer in exchange for payment.

Open Account: This is when the seller ships the goods and extends credit to the buyer. Payment is due at a later date, usually 30, 60, or 90 days after shipment.

Cash on Delivery (COD): This is when payment is made at the time of delivery.

And now 2 most commonly used in roofing sheet machines are TT advance payment and balance before shipment. Or Letter of Credit.




Technical support and training are crucial when it comes to operating a roofing sheet machine effectively. Look for a manufacturer that offers adequate customer support, including technical assistance and training. This can help you avoid downtime and reduce the risk of machine failure.




Understanding the warranty terms provided by the manufacturer is also essential. Make sure you know what is covered under the warranty and for how long. This will help you protect your investment in case of any defects or issues with the roofing sheet machine. Some manufacturers may offer extended warranties for an additional fee, so consider this option if it makes sense for your production needs.


In conclusion, buying a roofing sheet machine from China can be a significant investment. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that meets your production needs and protects your investment.

How to Install Roofing Sheet Making Machine ?


When you receive a roofing sheet roll forming machine from your supplier, you need to fist place it on the right working space you prepared, then connect wires etc. There are some points to pay attention.


1.Check whether the power wire is properly connected

2.Check whether the main motor is properly connected

3.Check whether the hydraulic oil hose is properly connected



When the machine arrives at the factory, first insert the aviation plug that controls the machine’s hydraulic oil station and shearing system into the designated position of the PLC control cabinet, and then add No. 46 hydraulic oil. Generally, the hydraulic oil is added to 80%-90% of the hydraulic oil tank , there is no need to fill it up, otherwise the hydraulic oil will overflow when working. Then connect the power wire of the machine to the power supply of the factory, and then the machine can be debugged.


1.Check whether the power wire is properly connected

Step 1: Press the power button, and then turn the key to the ON position. First, press the button of the oil pump to test whether the oil pump is working normally. If the fan above the oil pump rotates clockwise, it works normally, and if it rotates counterclockwise, you need to switch any two power wires.


2.Check whether the main motor is properly connected

Step 2: Test whether the machine is running normally, press and hold the forward button, if the lower wheel rotate clockwise, the machine is running normally, if the lower wheel rotate counterclockwise, you need to switch any two wires that connected with the main motor in the PLC control cabinet, and then the machine can run normally. If the machine does not run by pressing the forward button, you need to press the red reset button of the PLC. Please do not press the forward button of the machine frequently, which may cause the machine to not run.



3.Check whether the hydraulic oil hose is properly connected

Step 3: Test whether the hydraulic oil hoses are connected correctly. When pressing down and cutting, if the cutter moves upwards, it means that the hydraulic oil hoses are connected upside down and the two hydraulic oil hoses need to be exchanged.



Ridge cap roll forming machine for roofing cap building material

What is ridge cap?

A ridge cap is a building material that is installed along the ridge line of a sloped roof. A traditional gabled roof on a home is made up of two sloped sides that meet in the middle. The point where these two sides meet forms the apex of the roof, and is known as the ridge or ridge line. A ridge cap fits over the joint between these two edges to keep rain and snow out of the home. It also helps to finish off the look of the roof by creating a tightly sealed joint along the two sides. Now in the market as far as I know, there are two types: bending type ridge cap and round wave type ridge cap. So for making ridge cap machine there will be two types too. Here are some picture for your reference:

The the following pictures is about round metal ridge cap.

round metal ridage cap
round metal ridage cap




bending ridge cap
bending ridge cap







How the metal round ridge cap is made by machine?

Same as other roll forming machines, this machine principle is also roll forming. From decoiler to runout table, it processes by several parts. But this roll forming machine is the special high speed roll forming machine for steel sheet cold-form industries. It can continuous form the steel sheet according to customer’ s requirement, automatically cut to length. This equipment has many advantages, just like high forming speed, low noise, stable transmission, easy operation, good look and so on.Here is one machine of the machine for your reference:

ridge cap roll forming machine
ridge cap roll forming machine











Here are some parameters of this machine for your reference:

No. Item Parameters Remark
1 Suitable material Type Color steel
Thickness 0.3—0.5mm
Yield stress(MAPS) 195 mp–350 mpa
Coil width
2 Working speed 5m/min
3 Main machine driving motor(kw) 3kw Depends on actual
4 Hydraulic power 5.5KW Depends on actual
5 Total power 8.5kw Depends on actual
6 Roller diameter 60mm Depends on actual
7 Number of station 9 steps Depends on actual
8 External dimensions(L×W×H, m) 5.5M×0.8M×1.5M Depends on actual
9 Machine weight 3.8T Depends on actual
10 Material of shaft 45# steel adjustable treatment
11 Shaft outside diameter 70mm
12 Machine frame 350# H steel welded
13 Surface processing The thickness of hard chromium on the roll surface is 0.05mm.


And for the bending type ridge cap, we need to roll forming the raw material to the type you need and then bend it to the degree you need. By this way, we can make it like a ridge cap , here is one pictures for your reference.

bending ridge cap1
bending ridge cap













For those two types ridge cap machine we have, when you need, please contact me at any time. Here is my email box


Foreign selling light steel keel molding equipment

Foreign selling light steel keel molding equipment

Equipment components
Equipment from discharge machine, the guide frame, forming the host, correction means, length cutting portion, receiving station, consisting of electrical control and so on.

Equipment performance
Unit rolling capacity: Wide -200mm,
Sheet thickness 0.6-1.2mm
Production speed: 15-30 m / min
Total installed capacity: about 5.5kw
Production area: 15 meters long, 2.5 meters wide X
Foreign selling light steel keel molding equipment

My company’s equipment has several advantages
1. Device control PLC control system during normal production set multiple security.
2. bed as steel weldments. And for tempering, eliminate stress, avoid distortion of the fuselage.
3. The molded frame is cast iron structure, and by tempering. Strong high, long service life.
The roller shaft material is 40Cr, and after quenching, the hardness is HB280.
5. The mold material is GCr15, quenching, hardness: HRC56-62
6. The transmission structure of the gearbox. Each rack has a gear box molding can ensure that equipment over time, high-intensity running, and long service life.

ZT-900 wall panel roll forming machine

ZT-900 wall panel roll forming machine main technical parameters

Installation size: 4800mm — 1200mm — 1000mm
Molding channel number: 10
Roller material: 45 # steel
Roller plating thickness: 0.05m
Cutter material: Cr12
Forming speed: 9-10m / min
Electronic control system: Industrial computer PLC control
Drive: count accurately, anti-knife function (optional)
Host power: 3kw
Hydraulic station power: 3kw
Plate thickness: 0.2-0.6mm
Expand sheet width: 1000mm

20151015160828 20151015160845
Zt-900 wall panels roll forming machine pressure plate connected to the roof to break the traditional practice of using screw gun connection,installation methods is use 45 football snaps installation ,make the roofing have better waterproof.By zt-900 wall panels forming machine roll forming a pressure plate ,not only dignified and elegant,beautiful novel,and the appearance of smooth,corrugated uniform,high utilization,high strength,high degree of automation,low cast,durable.This zt-900 wall panel forming machine is widely applied to large and medium enterprises civil construction,such as factories,machines garages,hangars,stadiums galleries,theaters and so on .


ZT-900 wall panels forming machine features

1.fireproofing:color composite sandwich panels surface meterial and insulation materials non-combustible material,fully able to meet fire code requirements.
2.High intensity: zt-900 wall panels forming machine using high-strength steel for the substrate (anti-tensile strength 5600KG / CM) coupled with the most advanced design and roll forming, with excellent structural properties.
3.Durability:Various studies have shown that ,and more than 40 years abroad widely used confimed,with a special color coating steel shelf life of at 10–15years,every 10 year after spraying anti-corrosion coatings,lumber life of up to 35 years.
4.Installation is quick: the light weight composite panels, splice installation and can easily cut characteristics, determine its simple installation, can greatly improve efficiency, saving period.
5.Beautiful: pressure plate clear lines of up to dozens of species of colors, can meet the needs of any style buildings, to achieve satisfactory results.

Floor deck roll forming machine

Floor deck roll forming machine

Equipment Description
1. Material:
1) Coil Width: 1000mm
2) Suitable Coil Thickness: 0.3-0.7mm
3) Suitable Raw Material: Galvanized steel sheet
2. The Chart of Process flow


Manual de-coiler — Electric Feeding — Servo motor feeding —-oll Forming Machine——Computer Control Cabinet—Automatic cutting Mechanism —Run-out Tables
3. The equipment including
Roll forming machine 1 set
Hydraulic cutter 1 set
Electrical control system 1 set
Hydraulic system 1 set
Normal run out table 3 PC 1m*1m
Manual de-coiler 1 set Max. loading 5 T
4. Technical specification and details
(1) Hydraulic Ue-coiler
Un-power: manual de-coiler; Max. Capacity: 7T
Suit for coil inner diameter: 508mm, suitable coil Max. out diameter: 1000mm
Manual power expands the coil inner surface.

The de-coiler for reference:

(2) Roll forming machine

1) Number of forming steps: 17 steps

2) Material of shaft: 45# steel hardening and tempering treatment. Outer diameter 85mm ,total solid

Tolled shafts

3) Rollers: Material is high grade No.45 forged steel, with digital-controlled procession. The rollers are plated with hard chrome with thickness of 0.05mm on the surface after being machined by the exact machine tool. So that to ensure long life of forming rollers.
4) Main motor power: 4 KW with cyclical planetary gear speed reducer
5) The plating chromium’s thickness on the surface of rollers: 0.05mm
6) Main stand: 350# H steel welded structure Wall plate thickness: 14mm the main frame of machine is welded separately and the outside wall is connected by screw after being rot blasted on the surface.
7) Chain and gear move the line, motor drives. All working actions are controlled by PLC electric cabinet automatically.
8) Suitable power voltage: 380V/50HZ/3Phase (can de designed according to buyer’s requirement)
9) Line working speed (Forming speed): about 15-18 m/min (without cut time)
10) Main machine motor power: about 5.5 KW (Depend on final design)
Dimension of the machine: 9000mmx1200mmx1200mm
Weight of the machine: about 5000kg


Equipment for Reference:

(3) Hydraulic Cutting

1) Adopts post cutting, Stop to cut;
2) The cutting blade material is Cr12 with quenched treatment.
3) Adopts welded frame for good rigidity.
4) Cutting frame has been heat treatment to avoid final product deformation. cutting length tolerance ±2mm.
5) The power of cutting is provided by hydraulic station.
6) The final product can be cut as per set length in PLC controller, and the length is automatically measured by encoder. When final product reaches the set length, machine will stop to cut the Product automatically. Finish this action, machine will run again continuously.

Hydraulic Cutting for reference:

(4) Hydraulic station
1) It supplies the power for the hydraulic cutter.
2) All hydraulic accessories are all use Chinese famous brand products.
4) Hydraulic motor power: 3KW

Hydraulic station for reference:
(5) PLC Control System
1) This system uses Delta PLC to control the all working actions. Production quantity and each piece length will be automatically measured. It is convenient to control the roll forming machine.
2) Delta converter adjusts speed technology, realize the automatic production.
3) Text screen is input and cancelled the working data.
4) Friendly man-machine interface system can be set batches to the work piece, length, quantity, etc.
5) Encoder count, having function of count and measuring length.
6) Suitable power voltage: 380V/50HZ/3Phase (can de designed according to buyer€™s requirement)
Computer system for reference:
(6) Product Rack (un-powered)
1) They are used to put the final product when product coming out from cutting device.
2) Two pieces, each piece length is 1m, total length is 3 meters.
3) Collect the final product and final products are convenient to be stacked by workers.
Product Rack for Reference:
(7). Products for Reference
Products for Reference:
5.Equipment Details.

Our service:
One year, and we will provide the technical support for the whole life.

sheet metal roll forming machines

sheet metal roll forming machines

sheet metal roll forming machines are widely used in building: the steel-structured large-scale warehouses, plants, supermarkets,shopping malls, trade markets, stadiums, holiday villages, sanatoriums, hotels, villas, residences, and different kinds of greenhouses. What’s more, equipment can be designed and manufactured as customers’ requests.

Our roll forming machine is very good ,it is through quenched and tempered. It can used 3-5 years.

Packaging & Delivery

Packaging Details: exactly as per the requirements of the shipping standard to make

sure the machine is totally ok at the customers’ side.

Delivery Detail: 15 days, some models are available in stock.

metal roof sheet making machine/Zinc roof tile making machine/galvanize roof panel roll forming machine

Product Description

General information for the metal roof sheet making machine/Zinc roof tile making machine/galvanize roof panel roll forming machine

The tiles produced by this machine are widely used in all kinds of factories, houses, warehouses and simple steel shed, and with beautiful appearance, high efficiency and reliable working.It consists of feeding platform, main molding core, shearing mechanism, hydraulic station, computer control cabinet, high precision counter and so on.

Detailed components introduction for the metal roof sheet making machine/Zinc roof tile making machine/galvanize roof panel roll forming machine

1.. Manual Decoiler of the metal roof sheet making machine/Zinc roof tile making machine/galvanize roof panel roll forming machine

1):coil inner diameter: 450-550mm
2):coil max width: 1250mm
3):max carrying capacity: 5000kg
Usage:It is used to support the steel coil and uncoil it in a turnable way.
Passive uncoil pulled by roll forming system

Hydraulic fully automatic style is optional

2.. Coil feeding part of the metal roof sheet making machine/Zinc roof tile making machine/galvanize roof panel roll forming machine

Usage:Put the raw material(steel plate) through the beach to manufacture and process,
it can guarantee that the products are neat, parallel and everything is uniformity.
Please refer to the equipment regulation to know the function of locate angle iron.

3.. Main roll forming machine part of the metal roof sheet making machine/Zinc roof tile making machine/galvanize roof panel roll forming machine

1).roller material: 45# steel with hot treatment at 52-68 degrees, hot chormed on the surface to make sure its hardness.
shaft material: solid shaft(not hollow style), around 70kg/pc, to make sure the strength of it.and final profile shape are perfect in this way.
shaft diameter: normally is 72mm.
2).power: normally 7kw in total
3).transmission model: gear and chain
4).controlling model: PLC controlling system, fully automatic.
5).Forming speed: 0-17m/min
Usage: In order to keep the product shape and precision, adopts welded sheet structure, motor
reducer drive, chain transmission,roller was chromed which can keep the molding plate surface
smooth and not easy to be marked when it is working

4.. Automatic cuttting system of the metal roof sheet making machine/Zinc roof tile making machine/galvanize roof panel roll forming machine

1).Material: blade, puncher and mold material: Cr12 steel with quenched treated 60-62
2).Cutting system: advanced hydraulic drive, automatic cutting after forming, no distorting or
wasting, high level safety factor.
It adopts the hydraulic drive and automatic encoder to cut the accurate length you set on the computer.The tolerance is within 10m±1mm
Material of blades: Cr12 quenched
Power supply : hydraulic power
Components:It contains one set of blade, one hydraulic tank and one cutter machine

5.. Computer controlling part of the metal roof sheet making machine/Zinc roof tile making machine/galvanize roof panel roll forming machine

1).PLC brand: Normally, it is Delta. Mistubishi, Panasonic, Siemens are optional.
2).working model: fully automatic and manaul
3).working language: normally are English, Chinese,Russia. Can be set as per your requirements.
Hydraulic station of the metal roof sheet making machine/Zinc roof tile making machine/galvanize roof panel roll forming machine
1).including one motor,one oil tank,one magnetic valve,one pressure gage, hydraulic oil tube
2).3kw,4kw,5.5kw,will be adopted as per your profile sheet.

The assembling production flow of the metal roof sheet making machine/Zinc roof tile making machine/galvanize roof panel roll forming machine

Packaging & Shipping

Usually the metal roof sheet making machine/Zinc roof tile making machine/galvanize roof panel roll forming machine can be packed into one 20 feet or 40 feet container. we have good relationship wih the shipping agent to get good freight price for you and you can also find yourself at your side.